a collections of case digests and laws that can help aspiring law students to become a lawyer.
Doctrine: While a corporate director, trustee, or officer who entered i nto contracts i n behalf of the corporation generally cannot be held personally l iable for the l iabilities of the l atter, i n deference to the separate and distinct l egal personality of a corporation. their personal l iability may validly attach when they are specifically made by a particular provision of law, as in this case. Section 10 of RA 8042, as amended, expressly provides f or j oint and solidary l iability of corporate directors and officers with the recruitment/placement agency for all money claims or damages that may be awarded to Overseas Filipino Workers. Facts: ● On November 24, 2014, UPLI hired respondent as Assistant Stage Manager for and on behalf of i ts foreign principal, Holland America Line Westours, Inc. (Holland), under a f our-month contract on board the vessel "Westerdam." His task was to assist the Manager, supervise, and organize the stage before, during, and after every show in the vessel. ● While on board the vessel on M arch 20, 2015, respondent started to feel back pains a fter h e m oved several boxes to be u sed f or the show. Later on, he began experiencing l ower back p ains with right l eg numbness, described as s harp a nd severe when aggravated by movement. the company-designated physician advised respondent to undergo s urgical p rocedure, transforaminal interlumbar f usion (TILF) ● respondent refused to undergo the surgical procedure and chose to have treatment and PT sessions. ● The companydesignated physician f inally d eclared him partially and permanently disabled with Grade 8 i mpediment-moderate rigidity or 2/3 loss of motion or lifting power of the trunk. ● respondent filed a complaint for payment o f total a nd permanent disability benefits with the NCMB-PVA. ● Ruling of NCMB-PVA: f ound respondent e ntitled to permanent total d isability benefits under t he HAL AMOSUP C BA. It held UPLI, Holland, and Consunji jointly and severally l iable in t he amount o f U S$72,000.00. ● C A: a greed with the ruling of NCMB-PVA but i t held t hat there i s n o legal basis t o h old Consunji solidarity liable t o r espondent as i t did n ot act i n b ad f aith i n denying respondent's claim f or t otal and permanent disability benefits. Issue: Whether Consunji, the owner and President of UPLI, i s solidarily liable with UPLI. Held: ● YES ● Section 10 of RA 8042 ("Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995”), as amended, expressly provides for j oint and solidary l iability of corporate directors and officers with the recruitment/placement agency for all money claims or damages that may be awarded to Overseas Filipino Workers. ● While a corporate director, trustee, or officer who entered i nto c ontracts i n behalf of the corporation generally c annot be h eld personally l iable for t he l iabilities of the latter, i n deference to the s eparate and distinct l egal personality of a corporation, their personal liability may validly a ttach when t hey are specifically made by a particular provision of law, as in this case. Indubitably, Consunji, as the owner and President of UPLI, i s solidarily l iable with the l atter i n the amount of US$20,154.00 representing respondent's partial and permanent disability benefits.
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